PLATO SAID: "Five things weaken the body, and at times can even prove to be fatal: to be poor, to part with loved ones, to drink sour things, to refuse advice, and to not only be ignorant, but to also laugh at the wise."

Four things weaken the body: talking too much, sleeping too much, eating too much, and engaging in sexual intercourse too frequently. Talking too much weakens the strength and sharpness of the mind and makes one age faster. Sleeping too much blinds the heart, making one lazy and callous. Having intercourse too often weakens one's strength and has harmful effects upon the body in general.
Four things destroy the body: anxiety, grief, hunger, and sleeplessness.

Four things bring serenity to the heart: to look at greenery, to look at flowing water, to see a loved one, and to gaze at fruits upon the trees.

Four things weaken one's eyesight: walking barefoot, having a frown on one's face early in the morning and before going to sleep, crying frequently, and reading words in small print.

Four things strengthen the body: wearing soft clothing, taking a shower using water of a moderate temperature, eating sweet and rich foods, and smelling pleasant odors.

Four things that take the mirth and freshness out of one's face: lying, insolence, asking too many questions imprudently, and perpetrating evil deeds frequently.

Four things bring light and mirth to one's face: a sense of honour, fulfilling one commitments, generosity, and piety.

Four things make others abhor and loathe you: arrogance, jealousy, lying, and spreading false rumours about others.

Four things make sustenance come to you freely: standing up at night to pray, making repentance late in the night, giving charity habitually, and remembering Allah in the first and last part of the day.
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