Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Dearest All,

My sincerest wishes:

May The Year 2011 Brings All:




In every single moment and minute of your life, be kind to yourself, your family and all others around you, including the strangers on the street.
Kindness inspires love.
Anger or control inspires fear.
How would you like to lead your life - in love or in fear?

Kind words can be short, but their echoes are endless - MOTHER TERESA


You have gone through a wealth of experiences and come a long way to be who you are today.
Give thanks to all the positive experiences which have shaped you into who you are today.
Learn from the life's lessons and stressful times that have made you stronger.

Be content with what you have: rejoice in the way things are. When you realise there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you. - LAO TZU


Holding on to past hurts and grievances eats you away slowly.
Be a bigger person and forgive others or what they have done to you, whether knowingly or unknowingly. Allowing bygones to be bygones releases you from the shackles of emotional pain and grants you FREEDOM.

"Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open?" - JALAL AD-DIN RUMI

Sunday, December 26, 2010



Because street smarts are so important to every part of your life, here is a quick review of the major elements that go into street smarts. Print this list out and keep it with you, for a regular reminder to be street smart every day.


A. Trust your intuition
B. Develop perceptiveness and ability to anticipate
C. Size up people quickly and accurately
D. See the big picture


A. Fake it till you make it
B. Believe in yourself - Be confident


A. Don't believe everything you see and hear
B. Be hard to take advantage of
C. Use your "mental categories" and generalizations to keep you on guard
D. Give people the time and rope to either hang themselves or prove their integrity/sincerity


A. Think quickly on your feet
B. Be persistent
C. Be prepared
D. Be flexible
E. Change your surroundings or adapt
F. Surround yourself with experts and contacts


A. Be willing to take risks
B. Minimize the possible down side
C. Cut your losses and get out if you're wrong
D. Learn by your mistakes

- By Ralph Waldo Emerson




Have you had a challenging day or week? Feel a little tired or discouraged with a current situation? Ready to throw in the towel and quit something?

Don't worry. It's very normal to go through times of feeling that something in life stinks and all there is to see and feel is the current mess.

Here is something neat to ponder during those times, though. When doing battle with discouraged feelings, take a look at this report and reflect on this man's record of failure. It is a testament to how humans can learn and grow and win despite the losses and defeats.

Failed in business in 1831
Defeated for legislature in 1832
Failed in business again in 1833
Elected to legislature in 1834
Sweetheart died in 1835
Nervous breakdown in 1836
Defeated for speaker in 1838
Defeated for land officer in 1843
Defeated for congress in 1846
Defeated for re-election in 1848
Defeated for senate in 1855
Defeated for vice president in 1856
Defeated for senate in 1858
Elected President in 1860

Who was he?

He was a simple, uneducated, country boy who refused to allow his uncongenial circumstances to stop him. He refused to be a victim. He refused to accept failure. He refused to listen to people who told him he was crazy. He refused to stay down when he felt like nothing was going his way.

Simply put, he picked himself up no matter what and kept on going after his dream. He educated himself and did whatever it took to keep moving in the direction of his passions.

Who was he? Abraham Lincoln.

If you reflect back on your life, you can find patterns of the times you grew the most. Many of those times were probably a result of some kind of previous 'failure,' maybe even a series of them.

Remember: children don't fail when they are learning to walk. They fall down over and over again. It is the falling that teaches them and strengthens them. Each failure is a learning experience. And the faster people pick themselves up, reflect on the past occurence and go again, the faster they can achieve their goals and dreams.

So with this in mind, choose the one thing that may not be going exactly as you wish right now and do one thing to move you closer to achieving the result you want. And remember, life is about learning and growing.

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Subject: Malaikat Kecil - Tapi Ayah, Adakah Manusia Tidak Masuk Neraka Jika Hari Hujan??

Sharing is caring…

Malaikat Kecil – Tapi Ayah, Adakah Manusia Tidak Masuk Neraka Jika Hari Hujan?

Pada setiap petang Jumaat, selepas solat Jumaat, selepas melayani para jamaah di Masjid, Imam dan putera lelakinya yang berumur 11 tahun akan keluar ke bandar untuk mengedarkan risalah bertajuk “Jalan Ke Syurga” dan juga menyampaikan ceramah agama.

Pada petang Jumaat itu, seperti biasa Imam dan putera lelakinya akan keluar untuk mengedarkan risalah. Bagaimanapun pada petang tersebut keadaan di luar rumah sangat sejuk dan hujan pula turun dengan sangat lebat.

Budak itu memakai baju sejuk dan baju hujan dan berkata “OK ayah, saya sudah bersedia”. Ayahnya berkata “Bersedia untuk apa?”. Budak itu menjawab, “Ayah, masa telah tiba untuk kita keluar mengedarkan buku-buku tentang Islam ini”. Ayahnya membalas “Anakku, di luar sana sangat sejuk dan hujan lebat pulak”.

Dengan muka yang kehairanan, budak itu bertanya ayahnya, “Tetapi ayah, adakah manusia tidak masuk neraka jika hari hujan?”

Ayahnya menjawab, “Anakku, Ayah tak akan keluar dengan cuaca begini..”

Dengan nada sedih, budak itu bertanya, “Ayah, boleh tak benarkan saya pergi?”. Ayahnya teragak-agak seketika, kemudian berkata, “Anakku, awak boleh pergi. Bawalah buku ini semua dan berhati-hati”.

Kemudian, budak itu telah keluar dan meredah hujan. Budak sebelas tahun ini berjalan dari pintu ke pintu dan lorong-lorong sekitar bandar. Dia memberikan risalah dan buku kepada setiap orang yang ditemuinya.

Setelah dua jam berjalan dalam hujan, akhirnya tinggal hanya satu naskhah padanya. Ketika itu dia telah basah kuyup dan berasa sejuk hingga ke tulang. Budak itu berhenti di satu penjuru jalan sambil mencari seseorang untuk diberikan buku tersebut. Namun keadaan di situ lengang.

Kemudian dia berpatah balik ke rumah pertama yang dia lalu di lorong itu.

Dia berjalan di kaki lima menuju ke rumah tersebut. Bila sampai di pintu hadapan, dia menekan suis loceng namun tiada sesiapa yang membuka pintu.

Dia tekan lagi dan lagi, tetapi masih tiada jawapan. Dia tunggu lagi tetapi masih tiada jawapan. Akhirnya dia berpaling untuk meninggalkan rumah tersebut, tetapi seperti ada sesuatu yang menghalangnya. Dia kembali ke pintu itu dan menekan lagi suis loceng dan buat pertama kalinya mengetuk pintu dengan kuat. Dia tunggu, kemudian seperti sesuatu di anjung rumah itu menghalangnya supaya jangan pergi. Dia menekan suis loceng sekali lagi dan kali ini dengan perlahan pintu dibuka.

Berdiri di hadapan pintu itu seorang perempuan tua yang berwajah kesedihan.

Dengan perlahan perempuan tua itu bertanya, “Apa yang boleh saya bantu awak, wahai budak?”.

Dengan senyuman serta mata yang bersinar yang boleh menyinarkan bumi, budak itu berkata, “Makcik, saya mohon maaf kalau saya telah mengganggu makcik. Saya hanya ingin memberitahu bahawa Allah sangat sayang dan sentiasa melindungi makcik. Saya datang ini hendak memberikan sebuah buku yang terakhir ada pada saya ini. Buku ini menerangkan semua tentang Tuhan, tujuan sebenar Tuhan menjadikan kita dan bagaimana untuk mencapai kebahagiaan daripada-Nya” .

Kemudian, budak itu menyerahkan buku terakhir itu dan berpaling untuk balik. Sebelum berjalan balik, perempuan itu berkata, “Terima kasih ya anak dan semoga Tuhan memberkatimu” .

Selepas solat Jumaat pada minggu berikutnya, Imam menyampaikan ceramah agama seperti biasa. Dia menamatkan ceramahnya dengan bertanya, “ Ada sesiapa yang ingin bertanya soalan atau ingin berkata sesuatu?”.

Dengan perlahan, di barisan belakang di kalangan tempat duduk muslimat, suara seorang perempuan tua kedengaran di speaker, “Tiada di kalangan jemaah yang berkumpul ini mengenali saya. Saya tidak pernah hadir sebelum ini. Sebelum hari Jumaat yang lepas, saya belum lagi memeluk agama Islam bahkan tidak terfikir langsung untuk memeluknya. Suami saya telah meninggal dunia beberapa tahun yang lalu, meninggalkan saya sebatang kara, saya benar-benar keseorangan di dunia ini."

Pada petang Jumaat yang lepas, ketika cuaca sejuk dan hujan lebat, saya telah bertekad untuk membunuh diri kerana sudah putus harapan untuk hidup.

Jadi saya mengambil seutas tali dan sebuah kerusi lalu menaiki loteng di rumah saya. Saya ikat tali tersebut dengan kuat pada kayu palang di bumbung

rumah kemudian berdiri di atas kerusi, hujung tali satu lagi saya ikat di sekeliling leher saya. Sambil berdiri di atas kerusi, saya berasa benar-benar keseorangan, patah hati. Saya hampir-hampir hendak melompat tiba-tiba loceng pintu berbunyi di tingkat bawah dan saya tersentak. Saya berfikir untuk menunggu sebentar, dan pasti orang itu akan pergi. Saya tunggu dan tunggu, tetapi bunyi loceng semakin kuat dan bertubi-tubi.

Kemudian orang yang menekan suis loceng itu, mengetuk pintu pula dengan kuat. Saya berfikir sendirian lagi “Siapalah di muka bumi ini yang boleh buat begini? Tiada siapa pernah tekan suis loceng itu atau nak berjumpa dengan saya”. Saya longgarkan tali ikatan di leher dan kemudian pergi ke pintu hadapan. Ketika itu bunyi loceng kuat dan semakin kuat.

Bila saya buka pintu dan lihat, sukar untuk dipercayai oleh mata saya, di anjung rumah saya itu berdiri seorang budak yang sangat comel yang bersinar wajahnya seperti malaikat, tidak pernah saya jumpa sebelum ini di dalam hidup saya. Budak itu tersenyum. Oh! Saya tidak dapat hendak gambarkan kepada anda semua. Perkataan yang keluar daripada mulutnya menyebabkan hati saya yang telah lama mati tiba-tiba hidup semula, seruan budak itu seperti suara bayi yang sangat comel. “Makcik, saya datang hendak memberitahu bahawa Allah sangat menyayangi dan sentiasa melindungi makcik”. Kemudian dia memberikan kepada saya sebuah buku bertajuk “ Jalan Ke Syurga” yang saya sedang pegang ini.

Bila “malaikat kecil” itu telah pulang meredah sejuk dan hujan, saya menutup pintu dan membaca dengan perlahan setiap perkataan yang tertulis di dalam buku tersebut. Kemudian saya naik semula ke loteng untuk mendapatkan semula tali dan kerusi. Saya tak perlukannya lagi.

Oleh sebab di belakang buku ini ada tertera alamat tempat ini, saya sendiri datang ke masjid ini ingin mengucapkan syukur kepada Tuhan. Tuhan kepada budak kecil yang telah datang tepat pada waktunya, yang dengan demikian telah terhindar jiwa saya daripada keabadian di dalam neraka.

Ramai yang berada di dalam masjid ketika itu menitiskan air mata. Mereka melaungkan TAKBIR…ALLAH HU AKBAR…gemaan takbir bergema di udara. Imam iaitu ayah kepada budak itu turun dari mimbar pergi ke barisan hadapan di mana “malaikat kecil” itu sedang duduk.

Dia mendakap puteranya dengan air mata keluar tanpa disedarinya. Mungkin tidak ada jemaah yang memiliki saat yang lebih mulia ini dan mungkin di alam semesta ini belum pernah melihat seorang ayah yang penuh kasih sayang dan penghormatan terhadap anaknya. Inilah satu peristiwa..

Berbahagialah anda kerana membaca kisah ini. Jangan biarkan kisah ini di sini sahaja. Bacalah lagi dan sampaikan kepada yang lain. Syurga adalah untuk umat-Nya. Ingatlah, dengan menyebarkan firman Allah boleh mengubah hidup seseorang yang hampir dengan anda. Sila kongsi kisah menarik ini.

Sebarkanlah kalimah Allah, kalau kita bantu Allah, Allah akan membantu kita dalam semua perkara yang kita buat.

Maksud firman Allah dalam Surah al-Maidah ayat 3;

“…pada hari ini, orang-orang kafir telah putus asa (daripada memesongkan kamu) dari agama kamu (setelah mereka melihat perkembangan Islam dan umatnya), sebab itu janganlah kamu takut dan gentar kepada mereka, sebaliknya hendaklah kamu takut dan gentar kepadaKu. Pada hari ini, Aku telah sempurnakan bagi kamu agama kamu, dan Aku telah cukupkan nikmatKu kepada kamu, dan Aku telah redakan Islam itu menjadi agama untuk kamu, maka sesiapa yang terpaksa kerana kelaparan(memakan benda-benda yang diharamkan) sedang ia tidak cenderung hendak melakukan dosa (maka bolehlah ia memakannya), kerana Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Pengampun, lagi Maha Mengasihani"

Thank You & Appreciate.

Saturday, December 18, 2010


"People, We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you might come to know one another. The noblest of you in God's sight are those who are most deeply conscious of Him" (Al-Hujurat 49:13)

ISLAM stands in a long line of Middle Eastern prophetic religious traditions that share uncompromising monotheism, belief in God's revelation, prophets, ethical responsibility, accountability, and the notion of a Day of Judgement. Jews, Christians and Muslims are all considered children of Abraham (Ibrahim), although they belong to different branches of the same family. Jews and Christians are spiritual descendants of Abraham and his wife, Sarah, through their son, Isaac (Ishaq). Muslims trace their lineage back to Ishmael (Ismail), Abraham's firstborn son by his Egyptian servant, Hagar. Ishmael became the father of Arabs in northern Arabia. Muslims believe that Islam was the original monotheistic faith, making it the oldest of the Abrahamic faiths with Judaism and Christianity as tolerated offshoot.

ONE OF THE ESTABLISHED ASPECTS of Muslim social behaviour is the deference and respect shown by the younger towards the senior, or elder, members of the community. Complementary to that, younger members are treated with sympathy and kindness. Prophet Muhammad was reported to have said:

He who does not respect our elders or show compassion towards our young ones or does not venerate our learned people, does not belong to us.

The Prophet, as God's spokesman, should have been accorded special deference, approached with humility, and addressed with utmost courtesy. As it was, he received more than his fair share of abuse and insults from his detractors.

Muslims are urged to verify the truth and accuracy of what they hear; rumour and fabricated reports could cause irreparable damage to the fabric of society. Islam teaches that Satan is capable of insinuating antipathetic ideas into people's minds. Within a Muslim community, any such hostile scheming must be pre-empted and such antagonistic situations must not be allowed to arise. Instead, the community must promote harmony and concord and stand united against those who persist in aggression and threaten the unity and cohesion of Muslim society.

Throughout history, Muslims have faced wars in which they sustained heavy setbacks and the reason has invariably been their lack of courage to defend the truth and stand up to oppression. The result has been humiliation for Muslim everywhere and yet more daring aggression on the part of their enemies.

The weakening of the ties of brotherhood among Muslims is a bad omen and provides non-Muslim enemies with a pretext to interfere and exploit the situation to their advantage. In all cases, Islam shall be the prime loser!

Attention is drawn to a number of vile aspects of behaviour that we must avoid. It is vulgar and foolish to mock or ridicule other people or be condescending towards them. Only God Almighty knows the true worth of every individual. A person's status is determined by several factors, some of which are inherited characteristics and others that are attributable to the environment in which he or she grows up. You may deride someone, yet he may prove more worthy and successful than yourself:

Believers, let no man mock another man, who may perhaps be better than himself. And let no woman mock another woman, who may perhaps be better than herself....(11)

Islam condemns slandering others or scoffing at them. It denounces snooping, maligned suspicion, backbiting, and defamation. Regrettably, these are widespread in human, (we "hamba Allah" - God's servants), and if people were to avoid these negative traits in their dealings with one another, they would spend half their lives in silence!

Muslims must understand that they have no right to look down upon other people. Muslims have a duty to convey their beliefs and morals judiciously, courteously, and in a spirit of kindness and love. One fears that the failure to spread the word of Islam more widely is largely attributable to a failure in approach and communication.

"ISLAM ITU INDAH - ISLAM IS BEAUTIFUL" by: Hamba Allah - God's Servant

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Commemoration of the martyrdom in 680 of Husayn, Muhammad's grandson and the third imam of Shii Islam. Shii communities annually reenact the tragedy in a passion play, including self-mortification and displays of sorrow and remorse.

Firawn: Pharaoh: Ruler of Egypt, pre-Islamic or non-Islamic

Moses: Arabic Musa. Prophet who led Israelites out of slavery in Egypt. The Quran records him having been placed in a basket in the Nile as a child, being taken into the house of Pharaoh.

SURAH 26 - Al-Shu'ara'

THE SURAH recalls the encounters between Moses and the Pharaoh. The debate between Moses and the Pharaoh revolved around the subject of the true identity of God. The Pharaoh wanted to know who or what God really was, a question that even Moses could not answer, for to identify and define the essence or nature of God in terms that we can understand is beyond human intelligence.

The Pharaoh asked, "And who is the Lord of the universe?" Moses replied, "He is the Lord of the heavens and the earth and all that lies between them. If you would only believe!" Pharaoh said to those around him, "Did you hear what he said?" Moses said, "He is your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers." Pharaoh said, "This Messenger who has been sent to you is certainly insane..." (23-27)

The Pharaoh refused to recognise the God of Moses and said to him: "If you serve any god other than me, I shall throw you in prison" (29).

A day was agreed for a public duel between Moses and the Pharaoh's sorcerers, organised to expose the fraudulence of what Moses was preaching and put an end to his mission and teachings. The stage was set "and the people were summoned. "Assemble, so that we can follow the sorcerers if they win the day!" (39-40). To Pharaoh and his entourage, it was a foregone conclusion that Moses would be publicly defeated and humiliated and as such the sorcerers' triumph was never in doubt. However, events took such a turn that not only were the sorcerers spectacularly defeated, but they also renounced their faith in the Pharaoh and accepted the religion of Moses instead. As expected, this sent the Pharaoh into a terrible rage and he turned on them and said,

"Do you dare follow him (Moses) without my consent? He must be your master who taught you sorcery. But you shall see! I will cut off your hands and legs on alternate sides and will crucify every one of you." (49)

This sudden but complete change of attitude by the sorcerers never ceases to amaze. Almost at a stroke, they turned from abject servitude to the Pharaoh to the deepest and most sincere faith in God. The Pharaoh persisted in his arrogant refusal to accept the truth and condemned his courtiers for changing their convictions without waiting for his permission. Like all tyrants everywhere, the Pharaoh believed that he was in command of his followers' consciences as well as their livelihood.

The days went by and Moses decided to lead the people out of Egypt to escape the Pharaoh's wrath and persecution. When the Pharaoh heard of this he gathered his army and went after them. As they drew nearer, Moses' followers became alarmed and said to him: "They are catching up with us" (61). The Torah records this episode in graphic detail and gives a description of the panic and fear which had struck the Israelites. But Moses said to them: "No, my Lord is with me, and He will guide me" (62). As they reached the Red Sea, God intervened and directed Moses to strike the water with his staff, and, lo and behold, the water receded on both sides leaving a dry pathway across the sea for Moses and his followers to cross safely to the other shore. The Pharaoh and his army duly followed through, but once they had progressed well along the sea bed, the water flooded over them from all sides and they were drowned. Thus ended one of the most infamous episodes of man's disingenuous attempts to challenge the sovereignty of God Almighty in the world.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


A Winter Scene - above

Figures at Holkham

Boat at half way house

8 year old painting prodigy Kieron Williamson - dubbed "mini Monet" by the British Press is a global sensation. Kieron and parents Michelle 37 years, a nutritional therapist, Kieth 44 years, an art dealer and 6 years old sister Billie-Jo live in Holt, a pretty Georgian town, 125 miles (200 km) northeast of London.

Kieron's paintings fetch hefty sums. There is a 3,000 strong waiting list for his Impressionistic landscapes, boat-dotted estuaries, snowy fields and wide marshland skies.

Writer thought it would be a good idea to post above paintings at no cost at all to writer, before these paintings got lost in the doldrums.

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Prophet Muhammad (bpuh) said: "Illuminate (with 'nur' - light) your home with prayers and read Qur'an at all times for tranquility, peace and harmony within the family."

Reading Al Qur'an is not only 'amal' (actual practice) and 'ibadah' (devotion of worship), Qur'an also is an antidote to all illnesses.

"Oh God, if you save me I'll work for you." Cat Stevens: who converted to Islam in 1977, taking the name Yusof Islam. His brother gave him a Qur'an, he was very taken with the teachings.

"I am very much impressed by finding true astronomical facts in the Quran, and for us the modern astronomers have been studying very small pieces of the universe - we've concentrated our efforts for understanding of a very small part. Because of using telescopes, we can only see very few parts of the sky without thinking about the whole universe. So by reading the Quran and by answering the questions, I think, I can find my future way for investigation of the Universe." - Dr. Yoshihide Kozai, Professor Emeritus University of Tokyo, Japan and Director of the National Astronomical Observatory, Tokyo, Japan.


THE SURAH contains a fascinating account relating to the universe, its secrets and forces, which point to the power of its Maker. As one looks up into the infinity of the heavens, one cannot help but be captivated by the multitude, distribution, and movement of the planets and stars in this vast universe which knows no boundaries. Likewise, as one gazes at the wonders scattered all across the earth, both on land and sea, one is immediately amazed by how God sustains and provides for all the millions upon millions of creatures and living organisms that exist upon it.

SCIENCE has shown that the human body is made up of the same elements as the earth's soil. But how do flesh and bones turn into dust, and how does the dust turn back into flesh and bones? Genes carry hereditary information, but are they responsible for the design and the origination of that information, or for the human character that emerges as a result? God "holds abundant stores of all things and gives of each according to a predetermined measure" (21).

HUMANKIND is a marvel of divine creation. Made "from parched dark clay" (26) people die and return to earth and turn into dust again. But what makes them such distinguished creatures? What sets them apart from the rest of creation? The answer is the divine spirit which has been breathed into them, and which gives them the qualities and status unique to humans in the divine world order. It was this streak of divine spirit which Iblis, or Satan, envious of man, causing him to refuse to recognise man's superiority. As a result, Satan vowed to seek revenge against Adam and his offspring. The Surah informs us that Satan said:

"Lord, as You have let me go astray, I will tempt them (humankind) on earth and will lead them all astray, except those of Your servants whom You have favoured." God said, "The final word on this is that you shall have no power over My servants, except the nefarious among them who follow you." (39-42)

PROPHET LOT'S people were abominable and although he tried very hard to dissuade them from their vile practices they failed to change. Consequently, God destroyed them, turning their city upside down. Sodomy and homosexuality are a curse and an affliction which spread as a result of promiscuity and sexual depravity amongst mankind. Although legalised in some contemporary societies, these acts have always been considered in the past as morally unacceptable. However, these have not been the only perversions that modern western civilization has legitimised through its legal system.

ISRAELITE AND CHRISTIAN contemporaries of Prophet Muhammad treated the Qur'an in the manner similar to the way their predecessors had treated their own scriptures. They accepted what suited them and refused to believe in the rest. In the case of their own scriptures this had led them to tamper with their texts, altering some of the principles and rules which were expounded therein.

During the early days of Islam, the Arabs of Makkah had staged a relentless campaign of mockery and ridicule against the Prophet as well as the revelation he was receiving. They spared no effort in widening their campaign of psychological warfare, in an attempt to win other tribes in Arabia over to their side. Naturally, this left the Prophet distressed and despondent. However, God directed him to pay no attention to this crusade and not to allow it to dishearten him.

THE SURAH directs the following comforting words to the Prophet: "We (God) know you are distressed by what they say. Extol the glory of your Lord. Prostrate yourself before Him and worship Him until death overtakes you" (97-99). These closing words conveyed an implicit divine promise that Islam would prevail in the world. History has shown that this has been the case.


Sunday, November 21, 2010





With a little imagination, effort and time.... stamps mounted on an invitation card.

I find that Singapore stamps are very interesting: in terms of colour, a story-like what is happening in Singapore such as festivals, sports, hobbies, landscape, infrastructure, etc.

The lavendar colour of the S$2 Revenue stamp blends well with the portrait which is in monotone (though that is not the reason lah). Well, it is an indicator, a nation with good governance and a strong economy. This is my country and this is the National Anthem:


Saturday, November 20, 2010


'Abdullah ibn Mas'ood (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that he heard the Messenger of Allah (bpuh) say:

"Whoever transforms all of his concerns into one concern only - concern for the Hereafter - Allah will satisfy his demands and needs in this life. As for he who devotes his concerns to worldly matters, Allah will not care in which valley he perishes."

There are two factors that help one lead a happy life:

1. Moderation in anger.

2. Moderation in fulfilling one's desires.

One has to be moderate in fulfilling his desires, lest his desires and lusts increase to the point of constantly seeking to be satisfied, an outcome that will lead to his destruction. The same can be said about anger, for it too can lead to destruction.

What is required in all affairs is moderation. Strength, when in excess, makes violence and killing easy. And yet if there is a shortage of it, one will not be able to defend oneself against transgressors. But when one uses strength moderately, he can display the qualities of patience, bravery, and wisdom, each in its proper place and time. The same goes for desire; if there is too much of it, then wickedness and licentiousness will prevail; if there is too little of it, then one will become weak. However, if it is present in due moderation, one will achieve both chastity and satisfaction.

"Upon you is to follow the guidance of moderation."

"Thus We have made you a middle nation, so that you may bear witness over all humanity, and the Messenger (Muhammad) shall in turn bear witness over you". Surah 2 - Al-Baqarah (143)


Attention is drawn to the historic phenomenon that nations which attain ascendancy and supremacy usually display arrogance and conceit, and look down upon other weaker nations. Today's domineering vain-glorious civilization, which has encompassed both east and west, is a vivid living example - a culture of decadence and gross injustice thriving on the great achievements and glory of a genius elite who have split the atom and made inroads into outer space. When the Muslims were a leading nation, however, and at the height of their achievement, they were overwhelmed by a sense of submission to God and a need for His support and guidance. They have always sought God's forgiveness and looked up to His grace, praying:

Our Lord, do not take us to task if we forget or make mistakes,
Our Lord, do not lay upon us a burden such as You had laid upon those before us,
Our Lord, do not burden us with more than what we can bear.
Pardon us, forgive us our sins, and have mercy upon us.
You are our Lord,
Grant us victory over the unbelievers.

Surah 2 - Al - Baqarah (286)


Specially for MiSsSweEt,

Thank you for your participation and comments: "PAUSE TO REFLECT" posted on Wednesday, 10 November 2010.

I agree with your first paragraph. Behind calamities there is a "hikmah" - blessing, which we cannot see, but it will surface later on, with patience and prayers. And when this happens, the feeling is "nikmat" - a good, sweet feeling, which ALLAH bequeath on His "umat".

I tried to reply on the comment page but unsuccessful. In this connection, your comments will take notice by all readers. Thank you for starting the ball rolling.

With all best wishes


Wednesday, November 10, 2010



"Don't curse others and don't hit others with your hand. If someone were to curse you regarding something that he knows about you, don't curse him regarding something that you know about him. And don't disparage any kind of good deed, even if that deed consisted of pouring some water from your bucket into the container of the one who seeks drink."



At-Tanookhi gave the account of a governor in Bagdad who usurped the wealth of an old lady in his province. He took away all of her rights and confiscated her property. She went to him, wept before him, and complained of his oppression and wrongdoing. He was neither regretful nor ashamed of what he had done. In a fit of anger, she said, "I will pray against you." He laughed at her in mockery and said, "Then you should pray in th last third of the night." His arrogance had made him say this to her. She went away, and in accordance with the governor's mock-advice she was steadfast in praying during the last third of the night. It was only a matter of days before he was violently removed from office. As a reward for his tyranny, his properties were seized and he was publicly whipped. After the whipping, the old lady passed by him and said, "You did well! You advised me to pray in the last third of the night and I found the results to be most favourable."

The last third of the night is a very precious time in our lives.
Why? During this time, Allah, the Exalted, says:

"Is there someone who is asking, and I will give to him.
Is there someone who is seeking forgiveness, and I will forgive him.
Is there someone who is supplicating, and I will answer him."

An Arab poet said:

"How often do we ask Allah, when we become afflicted?
But when our troubles leave us, we forget Him,
When in the ocean, we invoke Him to save our ship,
When we return safely to land, we disobey Him,
We fly in the sky in safety and comfort
And we don't fall because our protector is ALLAH."


Monday, November 8, 2010


The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) has said, "Indeed Allah (SWT) desires that the Quran be recited in the manner it was revealed."

EXCERPT from: SURAH 56 - Al-Waqi'ah

Those who, in this life, enjoyed reading and studying the Qur'an, shall derive even more enjoyment from doing so in the hereafter. Believers shall be fully and generously rewarded for their deeds and efforts in this life. They will be guests of their Lord in the auspicious company of angels and prophets. They will enjoy more than kings and emperors here on earth could ever dream of.


Rasulullah s.a.w. telah mengatakan: "Yang sebaik-baik kamu ialah orang yang mempelajari dan mengajarkannya." Dalam hadist lain Rasulullah mengatakan: "Sesungguhnya seseorang yang berpagi-pagi pergi mempelajari ayat-ayat dalam Kitabullah lebih baik yang seperti itu, daripada mengerjakan sembahyang sunat seratus rakaat." Dari hadist yang dirawayatkan oleh Ibnu Abbas, Rasulullah juga mengatakan: "Siapa-siapa yang mempelajari Kitabullah, kemudian diamalkan isi yang terkandung di dalamnya, Allah akan menunjukinya dari kesesatan dan akan dipeliharanya pada hari kiamat dari siksa yang berat."

Belajar Al Qur'an itu merupakan kewajiban yang utama bagi setiap mu'min, begitu juga mengajarkannya. Belajar Al Qur'an itu hendaklah dari semenjak kecil, sebaiknya dari semenjak berumur 5 atau 6 tahun, sebab umur 7 tahun sudah disuruh mengerjakan sembahyang. Rasulullah sudah mengatakan: "Suruhlah anak-anakmu mengerjakan sembahyang, bila sudah berumur 7 tahun dan pukullah (marahilah) bila dia tidak mengerjakan sembahyang kalau sudah berumur 10 tahun."

Menjadikan anak-anak dapat belajar Al Qur'an mulai semenjak kecil itu adalah kewajiban orang tuanya masing-masing. Berdosalah orang tua yang mempunyai anak-anak tetapi anak-anaknya tidak pandai membaca Al Qur'an. Rasulullah s.a.w. mengatakan: "Tidak ada suatu keuntungan bagi seorang yang telah menjadikan anaknya pandai membaca Al Qur'an , kecuali baginya nanti pada hari kiamat akan diberikan suatu mahkota dari dalam syurga."

Pada tingkat pertama ini, yaitu tingkat mempelajari membaca Al Qur'an dengan baik, hendaknya sudah merata dilaksanakan, sehingga tidak ada lagi orang yang buta huruf Al Qur'an di kalangan masyarakat Islam. Di tiap-tiap rumah tangga orang Islam hendaknya diaktifkan benar-benar pemberantasan buta huruf Al Qur'an, sehingga setiap muslim yang menjadi keluarga rumah tangga itu sudah pandai semuanya membaca Al Qur'an dengan baik. BATAS UNTUK MEMPELAJARI AL QUR'AN ITU HANYA BILA SESEORANG SUDAH DI HANTAR KE LUBANG KUBUR.

Jadi tidak ada alasan untuk tidak mempelajari Al Qur'an, kerana tua, kerana dewasa dan sebagainya. Dalam tingkatan pertama sekedar pandai membaca Al Qur'an dengan baik, hal ini berlaku bagi anak-anak, orang dewasa mahupun orang tua, semuanya berkewajiban untuk mempelajarinya.

Sesudah itu, barulah menginjak ke tingkat yang kedua, yaitu mempelajari arti dan maksud yang terkandung di dalamnya. Dengan demikian, Al Qur'an itu betul betul menjadi pelajaran, petunjuk dan peraturan bagi setiap muslim dalam mencapai kebahagian hidup yang diridhai Allah.



ISLAM menggalakkan umatnya menghormati para ulama, orang- orang yang soleh iaitu orang-orang yang mendapat kelebihan daripada Allah SWT.

Rasulullah SAW melarang perbuatan menghormati orang-orang yang sombong dan takbur. Orang yang takbur tidak wajar dihormati. Sesuai dengan amaran baginda: "Barangsiapa yang suka dan mengharap orang lain bangun menghormati dirinya, bererti dia telah menempah tempat duduknya di dalam neraka."

Menghormati dan memuliakan ulama dan orang yang soleh adalah wajar, kerana para ulama dan pewaris perjuangan para nabi. Sebagai menghargai jasa dan sumbangan mereka kepada agama, wajarlah penghormatan itu kepada mereka. Para ulama dan orang-orang yang soleh tidak pernah mengharap supaya diri mereka disanjung dan dihormati, kerana ia bercanggah dengan sifat tawaduk yang ada pada diri mereka. Apa yang dilakukan oleh para ulama adalah kewajiban yang mesti dilaksanakan terhadap agama. Lantaran khidmat para ulama yang ikhlas itu, orang ramai dengan senang hati menghormati mereka tanpa didorong ataupun dirancang oleh mana-mana pihak. Hormat semata-mata kerana rasa sayang terhadap orang yang sewajarnya dimuliakan.

Individu bagaimanakah yang harus dihormati dan yang ditegah menghormatinya. Hendak menghormati orang-orang yang soleh, tidak perlu sebarang usaha dan protokol. Hormat kepada seorang yang telah menabur bakti kepada agama, berlaku secara spontan. Sifat tawaduk adalah antara ciri-ciri orang yang soleh. Jika ada orang bangun menghormati kehadirannya, orang yang soleh itu pasti tidak merasa gembira dengan penghormatan itu, kerana ia bukan suatu keperluan.

Sebaliknya orang yang soleh itu akan sentiasa menawarkan bantuan terhadap orang lain yang memerlukan. Semestinya orang yang soleh dan para ulama itu berperanan sebagai pengajar ataupun jurunasihat dengan ikhlas. Orang yang soleh semestinya bersifat tawaduk, mereka sentiasa terbuka untuk menerima teguran. Kerana sebagai manusia mereka juga tidak sunyi daripada kelemahan. Kemungkinan berlaku kesilapan ataupun kesalahan di luar kesedaran mereka.

Inilah cara hidup orang soleh yang sentiasa merendah diri terhadap saudara mereka, tidak terbuka hati untuk mengharapkan penghormatan ataupun sanjungan daripada orang lain. Seperkara lagi yang diperlu difahami, walaupun Islam menggalakkan supaya menghormati orang alim dan orang-orang yang soleh, namum dalam perkara hormat menghormati itu ada batasannya. Hormat sesama manusia hendaklah penuh waspada, jangan melampaui batas yang digariskan oleh syariat.

Monday, October 25, 2010


Wahai saudaraku yang mulia dan menjaga diri, alangkah mulianya engkau jika engkau tidak meminta bantuan kepada orang lain, dan engkau hanya meminta pertolongan kepada Tuhanmu sehingga engkau memenuhi segala keinginanmu dengan dirimu sendiri, kerana engkau tidak rela mendapat kehinaan. Dirimu cukup mulia dan kuat, dan engkau tidak boleh meminta pertolongan kepada selain Allah. Adakah orang lain yang seperti itu? Engkau menjaga harga diri, iman, dan kehortmatan tidak engkau tukar dengan kerendahan dan kehinaan.

Dijamin masuk syurga

Tsauban r.a. mengatakan bahawa Nabi s.a.w. bersabda: Sesiapa yang sanggup menjamin bagiku satu perkara maka aku menjamin baginya akan dimasukkan ke dalam syurga iaitu, tidak meminta pertolongan apa pun kepada orang lain.

(H.R. Nasa'i)

Marilah kita membuat azam untuk tidak bersandar kepada orang lain dan tidak meminta kecuali kalau keadaan terpaksa. Dalam hadis lain dikatakan bahawa orang yang suka meminta sedekah kepada orang lain akan dibangkitkan di padang mahsyar nanti mukanya seperti tengkorak dan tidak mempunyai daging. Dan orang yang sanggup menahan diri untuk tidak meminta bantuan kepada orang lain dijanjikan masuk syurga seperti hadis di atas.

Dalam riwayat lain, Nabi s.a.w. bersabda: "Sesiapa yang menjamin bagiku tidak meminta pertolongan apa pun kepada orang lain, maka aku akan menjamin baginya akan dimasukkan ke syurga. "Kemudian Tsauban berkata: "Aku sanggup ya Rasulullah. "Maka dia adalah seorang yang tidak pernah meminta pertolongan apa pun kepada orang lain.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


REVELATION BEGAN ON a night known as laylat al-qadr - the night of glory and splendour. There is no agreement on the exact date of this night, but it is taken to fall in the last ten nights of Ramadhan, the ninth month in the Muslim calendar. Since this is a lunar calendar, the birth of the new moon, marking the beginning of each month, varies throughout the year, making it difficult to determine exactly on which night laylat al-qadr actually falls. Muslims wishing to offer additional voluntary prayers on that night are urged to do so every night during the last half or third of the month of Ramadan.

The beginning of the revelation of the Qur'an to mankind was undoubtedly a most auspicious event that should be commemorated with prayer and devotion. The Qur'an is God's own word and final revelation to mankind. It is a gift and a blessing to the world, as attested by the words:

Would that you knew what the Night of Power is! It is better than a thousand months. Hosts of angels and the Spirit (the Archangel Gabriel) are dispatched on that night by their Lord's leave with decrees for all manner of purpose. (2-4)

Elsewhere in the Qur'an, laylat al-qadr is described as the night on which "the fate and destiny of all creatures are carefully determined by Our commandments. We send messengers as a blessing from your Lord" (al-Dukhan: 4-6)

The Qur'an contains all the principles, rules, teachings, and guidelines necessary for the organisation of human life and behaviour in this world. It is the only source of inspiration and true guidance. A cursory comparison between the Qur'an and other allegedly divinely-revealed books available today would bear this out.

The night the Qur'an was sent down was also a night of peace, one of Islam's main objectives in this world. But peace can only be attained when justice is established on earth.




Saturday, August 28, 2010




Don't you believe that! In fact, after the bruises have disappeared and the physical pain is gone, the inward pain of hurtful words remains.

Andre Moro said:

"Everything that is in harmony with our personal inclinations, appears to us as a truth, and everything else only serves to provoke our anger"

A prime example of this is when we are given advice or criticism. For the most part, we adore praise and our spirits are lifted when we are the objects of such attentions, even if we are praised for the wrong reasons. On the other hand, we hate criticism and disparagement, even if what is said about us happens to be true.

William James said:

"When you make a resolute decision to do something on any given day, you will be totally rid of worries that seize and subjugate you concerning the results of your endeavours."

What he means is that when you make a judicious decision based on logic and a sound premise, then you should carry out that decision. Furthermore, you must not give way to doubts, for doubts beget nothing but more doubts. And then afterwards, do not look behind. An Arab poet said:

"If you are of sound judgement show resolution,
For ill judgement is in hesitation."

Showing courage in making decisions can save you from anxiety and confusion.

George Bernard Shaw said:

"Perhaps the secret of depression is in allowing yourself to have time for superfluous thought, especially in whether you are happy or not. Don't allow such thoughts to creep into your mind: rather, you should remain steadfast in working. When you apply yourself to serious task, your blood will begin to circulate and your mind will be spurred into action. You will find that your new life has quickly been removed of anxiety and worrisome thoughts. Work, and do so on a continual basis; for this is the most inexpensive remedy available on the face of the earth and the most effective."

And a wise saying of the Arabs goes:

"Life is too short to make it even shorter through disputes."

**He (Allah) will say: "What number of years did you stay on earth?" They will say: 'We stayed a day or part of a day. Ask of those who keep account.' **He (Allah) will say: "You stayed not but a little, - if you had only known!** (Qur'an 24: 112-114)


Friday, August 27, 2010


ABDULLAH bin Mas'ud RA, seorang sahabat yang juga murid setia Rasulullah SAW sentiasa berada di sisi baginda. Abdullah meneliti dan mencatat setiap yang diucapkan oleh Rasulullah SAW serta mengambil pengajaran daripada setiap perbuatan baginda. Demikianlah caranya beliau menimba ilmu.

Suatu ketika, Abdullah melihat Rasulullah SAW sedang berbaring. Apabila baginda bangun dari tempat pembaringannya, beliau terlihat ada kesan jalur-jalur tikar di belakang Nabi SAW kerana tikar itu diperbuat daripada daun kurma yang kasar, maka kesan tikar itu amatlah ketara. Timbullah rasa belas kasihan di hati Abdullah bin Mas'ud.

Berkata Ibnu Mas'ud: "Ya Rasulullah sekiranya kamu perintahkan aku untuk mencari sebidang hamparan yang lembut nescaya aku akan berusaha untuk mendapatkannya."

Akan tetapi Rasulullah SAW bersabda:
"Bagiku, berada di dunia ini ibarat seorang yang berjalan di tengah panas lalu singgah sebentar untuk berteduh di bawah sepohon kayu yang rendang, selepas beristirehat barang seketika untuk menghilangkan penat, maka beredarlah dia meninggalkan pohon rendang itu dan meneruskan perjalanan."

Hadis Nabi SAW itu adalah suatu peringatan terhadap manusia. Bahawa kesempatan yang diberikan kepada manusia untuk hidup di dunia ini bukanlah kekal buat selama-lamanya. Sebaliknya, dunia hanyalah tempat persinggahan untuk membuat persiapan, mencari bekalan bagi menghadapi suatu penghidupan yang abadi di Akhirat kelak.

Inilah hakikat yang diajar oleh Rasulullah SAW kepada umatnya, bahawa kehidupan di dunia ini ibarat singgah berteduh di bawah sepohon kayu ketika hari panas untuk sekadar berteduh bagi menghilangkan letih atau singgah mencari bekalan. Setelah badan kembali segar selepas berehat, seharusnya mereka tidak lalai untuk meneruskan perjalanan.

Contoh yang diberi oleh Nabi SAW tentang kehidupan di dunia ini amat mudah difahami. Meskipun Nabi menyebut ibarat singgah sejenak berteduh di bawah pohon yang rendang, tetapi kadang kala manusia menjadi asyik dan terlena, apatah lagi jika pohon tempat berteduh itu sedang berbuah lebat dan ranum. Berehat sambil makan buah-buah, serta hembusan bayu yang nyaman, sungguh mengasyikkan.

Walaupun disebut singgah hanya sekejab, namun tempoh masa itu bergantung pada umur manusia, lazimnya antara sekitar 60 tahun, iaitu sekitar usia Rasulullah SAW. Jika dibandingkan dengan usia dunia, tentulah tidak lama, apatah lagi jika dibandingkan dengan kehidupan di Akhirat yang ukuran seharinya bersamaan dengan seribu tahun di dunia. Maka kehidupan yang disebut singgah sebentar di dunia itu hanyalah satu detik yang amat singkat.

Masa yang sangat singkat itu adalah suatu kesempatan yang mesti dihargai. Jika kesempatan itu tidak diisi sepenuhnya untuk menyediakan bekalan kerana dilalaikan oleh kenikmatan mata benda yang tidak seberapa, maka kesempatan kedua tidak akan ada lagi.

Manusia yang dilalaikan dengan kehidupan dunia akan menghadapi penyesalan yang tidak berkesudahan. Di dalam Al-Quran ia digambarkan:

"Ya Tuhan kami. Kami telah melihat dan mendengar, maka kembalikanlah kami ke dunia, kami akan mengerjakan amal yang soleh, sesungguhnya kami adalah orang-orang yang yakin."
(As-Sajadah: 12)

Demikianlah penyesalan orang-orang yang lalai terhadap peranan mereka di dunia ini. Mereka cuba memohon kepada Tuhan agar dikembalikan ke dunia untuk melakukan amal yang soleh, selepas mereka melihat dengan mata kepala sendiri datangnya hari Akhirat, seperti yang dikhabarkan oleh para Rasul semasa di dunia dahulu.

Ad-dunya darul amal atau dunia tempat melakukan segala amal atau kerja dan setiap amalan menurut apa yang telah digariskan oleh para Rasul AS. Dengan adanya para Rasul bagi setiap umat bererti manusia telah dibekalkan dengan segala keperluan. Bekalannya ialah akal, ilmu, akidah, harta dunia, masa dan tubuh badan.

Manusia mesti beramal atau bekerja bagi menyediakan bekalan hari Akhirat. Bekalan itu bukanlah sekadar ibadah solat, puasa, zakat, haji dan sebagainya, tetapi sebarang urusan yang melibatkan harta dunia seperti bertani, berniaga, menjadi nelayan atau usahawan, pengurus serta pentadbir dan seumpamanya. Semuanya akan menjadi urusan Akhirat jika dilakukan mengikut garis yang ditetapkan oleh syariat.

Visi Akhirat bagi manusia bukan sekadar menghubungan diri dengan Allah SWT melalui ibadat-ibadat yang khusus, tetapi juga mesti melakukan perhubungan sesama manusia, sama ada dalam urusan muamalah atau pun dalam urusan kemasyarakatan, kenegaraan dan lain-lain. Ia merupakan kepelbagaian dalam menyediakan bekalan Akhirat untuk menempuh suatu perjalanan yang jauh. Oleh itu bekalan juga harus berpadannan.

Jika hidup di dunia dalam masa yang singkat ibarat berteduh di bawah pohon, manusia mesti menggunakan segala peluang yang ada. Masa yang begitu singkat mesti digunakan semaksimum mungkin bagi membina kepakaran dan kesungguhan dengan menggunakan modal yang ada, iaitu ilmu, akal, tenaga, tubuh badan, harta dunia, akidah dan syariah dan lain-lain bagi menjamin bekalan Akhirat dapat dipenuhi.

Demikianlah hakikat dunia yang disebut sebagai ad-dunya darul amal, wal-akhiratu darul jaza' - dunia sebagai gelanggang melakukan amal dan segala gerak kerja, sementara Akhirat itu adalah negara untuk menerima pembalasan. Jika di dunia yang singkat waktunya ini, kita terlalai dengan kenikmatan yang sementara, dibimbangi jika penyesalan bakal menunggu di Akhirat.