Prophet Muhammad (bpuh) said: "Illuminate (with 'nur' - light) your home with prayers and read Qur'an at all times for tranquility, peace and harmony within the family."
Reading Al Qur'an is not only 'amal' (actual practice) and 'ibadah' (devotion of worship), Qur'an also is an antidote to all illnesses.
"Oh God, if you save me I'll work for you." Cat Stevens: who converted to Islam in 1977, taking the name Yusof Islam. His brother gave him a Qur'an, he was very taken with the teachings.
"I am very much impressed by finding true astronomical facts in the Quran, and for us the modern astronomers have been studying very small pieces of the universe - we've concentrated our efforts for understanding of a very small part. Because of using telescopes, we can only see very few parts of the sky without thinking about the whole universe. So by reading the Quran and by answering the questions, I think, I can find my future way for investigation of the Universe." - Dr. Yoshihide Kozai, Professor Emeritus University of Tokyo, Japan and Director of the National Astronomical Observatory, Tokyo, Japan.
THE SURAH contains a fascinating account relating to the universe, its secrets and forces, which point to the power of its Maker. As one looks up into the infinity of the heavens, one cannot help but be captivated by the multitude, distribution, and movement of the planets and stars in this vast universe which knows no boundaries. Likewise, as one gazes at the wonders scattered all across the earth, both on land and sea, one is immediately amazed by how God sustains and provides for all the millions upon millions of creatures and living organisms that exist upon it.
SCIENCE has shown that the human body is made up of the same elements as the earth's soil. But how do flesh and bones turn into dust, and how does the dust turn back into flesh and bones? Genes carry hereditary information, but are they responsible for the design and the origination of that information, or for the human character that emerges as a result? God "holds abundant stores of all things and gives of each according to a predetermined measure" (21).
HUMANKIND is a marvel of divine creation. Made "from parched dark clay" (26) people die and return to earth and turn into dust again. But what makes them such distinguished creatures? What sets them apart from the rest of creation? The answer is the divine spirit which has been breathed into them, and which gives them the qualities and status unique to humans in the divine world order. It was this streak of divine spirit which Iblis, or Satan, envious of man, causing him to refuse to recognise man's superiority. As a result, Satan vowed to seek revenge against Adam and his offspring. The Surah informs us that Satan said:
"Lord, as You have let me go astray, I will tempt them (humankind) on earth and will lead them all astray, except those of Your servants whom You have favoured." God said, "The final word on this is that you shall have no power over My servants, except the nefarious among them who follow you." (39-42)
PROPHET LOT'S people were abominable and although he tried very hard to dissuade them from their vile practices they failed to change. Consequently, God destroyed them, turning their city upside down. Sodomy and homosexuality are a curse and an affliction which spread as a result of promiscuity and sexual depravity amongst mankind. Although legalised in some contemporary societies, these acts have always been considered in the past as morally unacceptable. However, these have not been the only perversions that modern western civilization has legitimised through its legal system.
ISRAELITE AND CHRISTIAN contemporaries of Prophet Muhammad treated the Qur'an in the manner similar to the way their predecessors had treated their own scriptures. They accepted what suited them and refused to believe in the rest. In the case of their own scriptures this had led them to tamper with their texts, altering some of the principles and rules which were expounded therein.
During the early days of Islam, the Arabs of Makkah had staged a relentless campaign of mockery and ridicule against the Prophet as well as the revelation he was receiving. They spared no effort in widening their campaign of psychological warfare, in an attempt to win other tribes in Arabia over to their side. Naturally, this left the Prophet distressed and despondent. However, God directed him to pay no attention to this crusade and not to allow it to dishearten him.
THE SURAH directs the following comforting words to the Prophet: "We (God) know you are distressed by what they say. Extol the glory of your Lord. Prostrate yourself before Him and worship Him until death overtakes you" (97-99). These closing words conveyed an implicit divine promise that Islam would prevail in the world. History has shown that this has been the case.
Reading Al Qur'an is not only 'amal' (actual practice) and 'ibadah' (devotion of worship), Qur'an also is an antidote to all illnesses.
"Oh God, if you save me I'll work for you." Cat Stevens: who converted to Islam in 1977, taking the name Yusof Islam. His brother gave him a Qur'an, he was very taken with the teachings.
"I am very much impressed by finding true astronomical facts in the Quran, and for us the modern astronomers have been studying very small pieces of the universe - we've concentrated our efforts for understanding of a very small part. Because of using telescopes, we can only see very few parts of the sky without thinking about the whole universe. So by reading the Quran and by answering the questions, I think, I can find my future way for investigation of the Universe." - Dr. Yoshihide Kozai, Professor Emeritus University of Tokyo, Japan and Director of the National Astronomical Observatory, Tokyo, Japan.
THE SURAH contains a fascinating account relating to the universe, its secrets and forces, which point to the power of its Maker. As one looks up into the infinity of the heavens, one cannot help but be captivated by the multitude, distribution, and movement of the planets and stars in this vast universe which knows no boundaries. Likewise, as one gazes at the wonders scattered all across the earth, both on land and sea, one is immediately amazed by how God sustains and provides for all the millions upon millions of creatures and living organisms that exist upon it.
SCIENCE has shown that the human body is made up of the same elements as the earth's soil. But how do flesh and bones turn into dust, and how does the dust turn back into flesh and bones? Genes carry hereditary information, but are they responsible for the design and the origination of that information, or for the human character that emerges as a result? God "holds abundant stores of all things and gives of each according to a predetermined measure" (21).
HUMANKIND is a marvel of divine creation. Made "from parched dark clay" (26) people die and return to earth and turn into dust again. But what makes them such distinguished creatures? What sets them apart from the rest of creation? The answer is the divine spirit which has been breathed into them, and which gives them the qualities and status unique to humans in the divine world order. It was this streak of divine spirit which Iblis, or Satan, envious of man, causing him to refuse to recognise man's superiority. As a result, Satan vowed to seek revenge against Adam and his offspring. The Surah informs us that Satan said:
"Lord, as You have let me go astray, I will tempt them (humankind) on earth and will lead them all astray, except those of Your servants whom You have favoured." God said, "The final word on this is that you shall have no power over My servants, except the nefarious among them who follow you." (39-42)
PROPHET LOT'S people were abominable and although he tried very hard to dissuade them from their vile practices they failed to change. Consequently, God destroyed them, turning their city upside down. Sodomy and homosexuality are a curse and an affliction which spread as a result of promiscuity and sexual depravity amongst mankind. Although legalised in some contemporary societies, these acts have always been considered in the past as morally unacceptable. However, these have not been the only perversions that modern western civilization has legitimised through its legal system.
ISRAELITE AND CHRISTIAN contemporaries of Prophet Muhammad treated the Qur'an in the manner similar to the way their predecessors had treated their own scriptures. They accepted what suited them and refused to believe in the rest. In the case of their own scriptures this had led them to tamper with their texts, altering some of the principles and rules which were expounded therein.
During the early days of Islam, the Arabs of Makkah had staged a relentless campaign of mockery and ridicule against the Prophet as well as the revelation he was receiving. They spared no effort in widening their campaign of psychological warfare, in an attempt to win other tribes in Arabia over to their side. Naturally, this left the Prophet distressed and despondent. However, God directed him to pay no attention to this crusade and not to allow it to dishearten him.
THE SURAH directs the following comforting words to the Prophet: "We (God) know you are distressed by what they say. Extol the glory of your Lord. Prostrate yourself before Him and worship Him until death overtakes you" (97-99). These closing words conveyed an implicit divine promise that Islam would prevail in the world. History has shown that this has been the case.
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