Saturday, June 29, 2013


ALLAH yang mencipta manusia dan Al-Qur'an memberitahu semua manusia penyelesaian yang terbaik dan segala bentuk maklumat yang diperlukan untuk hidup sejahtera.  Oleh itu bila berhadapan dengan masalah, menjadi sesuatu yang penting bagi orang-orang beriman untuk merujuk kepada ayat-ayat Al-Qur'an dan maksud yang tersirat daripadanya. Tidak mengira apa latarbelakang pengetahuan seseorang atau apakah pengetahuannya masih cetek, kerana hanya Allah yang menguasai segala pengetahuan.

Sehubungan ini, sesiapa yang inginkan sebuah kehidupan yang bahagia di dunia hendaklah patuh kepada prinsip-prinsip Al-Qur'an.  Apabila berbuat demikian orang itu akan memperolehi "hikmah kebijaksanaan",  satu nilai yang hanya dimiliki oleh mereka yang ingat dan takut kepada Allah.  Kebijaksanaan ini membawa mereka kepada hidup yang mulia, rasa gembira, tenang dan paling penting ialah dapat melaksanakan matlamat suci kewujudan mereka.  Apa yang mesti mereka lakukan ialah menyembah Allah dan berpegang dengan Al-Qur'an; meneliti, mengkaji perintah dan suruhan ayat, serta kehalusan maksud yang disampaikan dan seterusnya melaksanakan kitab suci tersebut.

Thursday, June 20, 2013


START being wrong and suddenly anything is possible.

You're in the unknown.  There's no way or knowing what can happen, but there's more chance of it being amazing than if you try to be right.

Of course, being wrong is a risk.

People worry about suggesting stupid ideas because of what others will think.

You will have been in meetings where new thinking has been called for, at your original suggestion.

Instead of saying, "That's the kind of suggestion that leads us to a novel solution", the room goes quiet, they look up to the ceiling, roll their eyes and return to the discussion.

Risks are a measure of people.  People  who won't take them are trying to preserve what they have.

People who do take them often end up  having more.

Some risks have a future, and some people call them wrong.  But being right may be like walking backwards proving where you've been.

Being wrong isn't in the future, or in the past.

Being wrong isn't anywhere but being here.

Best place to be, eh?


BEING right is based upon knowledge and experience and is often provable.

Knowledge comes from the past, so it's safe. It is also out of date.  It's the opposite for originality.

Experience is built from solutions to old situations and problems.  The old situations are probably different from the present ones, so that old solutions will have to be bent to fit new problems (and possibly fit badly).  Also the likelihood is that, if you've got the experience, you'll probably use it.

This is lazy.

Experience is the opposite of being creative.

If you can prove you're right, you're set in concrete.  You cannot move with the times or with other people.

Being right is also being boring.  Your mind is closed.  You are not open to new ideas.  You are rooted in your own rightness, which is arrogant.   Arrogance is a valuable tool, but only if used very sparingly.

Worst of all, being right has a tone of morality about it.  To be anything else sounds weak or fallible, and people who are right would hate to be thought fallible.

So: it's wrong to be right, because people who are right are rooted in the past, rigid-minded, dull and smug.

There's no talking to them.  

Friday, June 7, 2013


Success is waking up 
in the morning, whoever you are,
wherever you are,
how old or young,
and bounding out of bed because 
there's  something out there that
you love to do, that you believe in, 
that you're good at -
something that's bigger than you are,
and you can hardly wait to 
get at it again today.

   - Whit Robbs -

Thursday, June 6, 2013





Dear Friends, 

Many thanks for your contribution to grace my personal website:  Thank you Allah:  Allah brought me good friends.

Sincerely yours

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


The tasks set for children should be moderate.  Over-exertion is hurtful both physically and intellectually, and even morally.  But it is of the utmost importance that they should be made to fulfil their tasks correctly and punctually.  This will train them for an exact and conscientious discharge of their duties in after life. - Hare   

Educators should constantly emphasise the process  - the hard work, the effort, the enjoyment of the journey, the importance of failures as learning opportunities - rather than the raw achievement and the outcome. Telling children how smart they are leads to a short-term high (for the child, as well as for the parent or teacher!), while in the long term it hurts the child's motivation, performance and well-being.  Parents and teachers should constantly be asking children what they learned - from others, from books, from their own mistakes and successes - and in what ways they have improved , and not what prizes and grades they received what the competition was like.

Children also have to understand that they don't have to be the best in everything and that just having fun is a legitimate reason for doing something.  At the same time, if they do want to excel, then effort is necessary - which does not preclude the possibility of having fun all the way.


A fixed mind-set is the belief that our abilities - our intelligence, physical competence personality, and interpersonal skills - are essentially set in stone and cannot really change.  We are either gifted and talented in which case we'll succeed  in school, at work, in sports, and our relationships, or we are permanently deficient and consequently doomed to failure.  In  contrast, a *growth-mindset is the belief that our abilities are malleable - that they can, and do change throughout our lives; we are born with certain abilities, but these provide a mere starting point, and to succeed we have to apply ourselves, dedicate time, invest a great deal of effort.

P.S.  Writer go for the *Growth-Mindset