"Don't curse others and don't hit others with your hand. If someone were to curse you regarding something that he knows about you, don't curse him regarding something that you know about him. And don't disparage any kind of good deed, even if that deed consisted of pouring some water from your bucket into the container of the one who seeks drink."
At-Tanookhi gave the account of a governor in Bagdad who usurped the wealth of an old lady in his province. He took away all of her rights and confiscated her property. She went to him, wept before him, and complained of his oppression and wrongdoing. He was neither regretful nor ashamed of what he had done. In a fit of anger, she said, "I will pray against you." He laughed at her in mockery and said, "Then you should pray in th last third of the night." His arrogance had made him say this to her. She went away, and in accordance with the governor's mock-advice she was steadfast in praying during the last third of the night. It was only a matter of days before he was violently removed from office. As a reward for his tyranny, his properties were seized and he was publicly whipped. After the whipping, the old lady passed by him and said, "You did well! You advised me to pray in the last third of the night and I found the results to be most favourable."
The last third of the night is a very precious time in our lives.
Why? During this time, Allah, the Exalted, says:
"Is there someone who is asking, and I will give to him.
Is there someone who is seeking forgiveness, and I will forgive him.
Is there someone who is supplicating, and I will answer him."
An Arab poet said:
"How often do we ask Allah, when we become afflicted?
But when our troubles leave us, we forget Him,
When in the ocean, we invoke Him to save our ship,
When we return safely to land, we disobey Him,
We fly in the sky in safety and comfort
And we don't fall because our protector is ALLAH."
"Don't curse others and don't hit others with your hand. If someone were to curse you regarding something that he knows about you, don't curse him regarding something that you know about him. And don't disparage any kind of good deed, even if that deed consisted of pouring some water from your bucket into the container of the one who seeks drink."
At-Tanookhi gave the account of a governor in Bagdad who usurped the wealth of an old lady in his province. He took away all of her rights and confiscated her property. She went to him, wept before him, and complained of his oppression and wrongdoing. He was neither regretful nor ashamed of what he had done. In a fit of anger, she said, "I will pray against you." He laughed at her in mockery and said, "Then you should pray in th last third of the night." His arrogance had made him say this to her. She went away, and in accordance with the governor's mock-advice she was steadfast in praying during the last third of the night. It was only a matter of days before he was violently removed from office. As a reward for his tyranny, his properties were seized and he was publicly whipped. After the whipping, the old lady passed by him and said, "You did well! You advised me to pray in the last third of the night and I found the results to be most favourable."
The last third of the night is a very precious time in our lives.
Why? During this time, Allah, the Exalted, says:
"Is there someone who is asking, and I will give to him.
Is there someone who is seeking forgiveness, and I will forgive him.
Is there someone who is supplicating, and I will answer him."
An Arab poet said:
"How often do we ask Allah, when we become afflicted?
But when our troubles leave us, we forget Him,
When in the ocean, we invoke Him to save our ship,
When we return safely to land, we disobey Him,
We fly in the sky in safety and comfort
And we don't fall because our protector is ALLAH."
1 comment:
I think sometimes when calamity occurs, Allah swt might be testing us on our level of patience towards others or even ourselves. May Allah swt open up the hearts of people to find out the reasons on why things happen that way before acting on it the best way possible with his grace.
Something I picked up on www.islamqa.com on Patience.
Patience is the foundation of the believer’s faith which has no other foundation. The one who has no patience has no faith, and if he has any, then it is only a little faith and it is very weak, and such a person worships Allaah as it were upon the edge (i.e. in doubt): if good befalls him, he is content therewith; but if a trial befalls him he turns back on his face (i.e. reverts to disbelief after embracing Islam). He loses both this world and the Hereafter (cf. al-Hajj 22:11). All he gets from them is a losing deal.
The best life is attained by the blessed through patience, and they rise to the highest degrees through their gratitude. So they fly on the wings of patience and gratitude to gardens of delight (i.e., Paradise). That is the bounty of Allaah that He bestows upon whomsoever He will, and Allaah is the Owner of Great Bounty. End quote from ‘Uddat al-Saabireen by Ibn al-Qayyim, p. 3-5.
With regard to the ahaadeeth which speak of the virtue of patience, they include the following:
Al-Bukhaari (1496) and Muslim (1053) narrated that Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “…whoever is patient Allaah will bestow patience upon him, and no one is ever given anything better and more generous than patience.” And Muslim (918) narrated that Umm Salamah (may Allaah be pleased with her) said: I heard the Messenger of Allaah (S) say: “There is no Muslim who is stricken with a calamity and says what Allaah has enjoined – ‘Verily to Allaah we belong and unto Him is our return. O Allaah, reward me for my affliction and compensate me with something better’ – but Allaah will compensate him with something better.”
And Muslim (2999) narrated that Suhayb (may Allaah be pleased with him)said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “How wonderful is the affair of the believer, for his affairs are all good, and this applies to no one but the believer. If something good happens to him, he is thankful for it and that is good for him. If something bad happens to him, he bears it with patience and that is good for him.”
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