"Allah enriches and make poor, and to Him you shall return." (2:245, Al-Quran)
Allah gives abundantly to whoever He will. "Allah extends His bounty and reduces His provision to whoever He will." (13:26, Al-Quran)
"The Jews have said, 'Allah's hand is fettered.' May their own hands be.... fettered, and may they be cursed for what they have said. Nay, but His hands are both outspread; He bestows as He will ." (5:64, Al-Quran)
Allah extends His forgiveness to people all the time; all we have to do is ask for it. Prophet (SAW) said, "Allah, Most High, stretches out His hands at night for the day sinner to repent, and

A Muslim gives to charity, never fearing poverty. "Who will grant Allah a good loan? He will repay him many times over. Allah enriches and makes poor." (2:245, Al-Quran)
It is a sign from Allah for people to reflect upon, that He spread the earth, though spherical in form, like a carpet. "And Allah has laid the earth for you as a carpet." (17:19, Al-Quran)
Another fact which is scientifically significant is the way Allah, Most High, spreads clouds in the sky: "Allah is He that looses the winds, that stir up clouds, and He spreads them in heaven how He will, and scatters them; then thou seest the rain issuing from the midst of them." (30:48, Al-Quran)
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