"But values are the steady currency that earn us the all-important rewards."
- Peter Buffet, Son of Billionaire Investor Warren Buffet - May, 2010
THIS SURAH OPENS WITH A REFERENCE to the righteous and the rewards awaiting them.
When Prophet Muhammad was asked about Luqman he gave the Arabs of Makkah an account of a set of succinct but powerful instructions Luqman had given his son, which are rich in wisdom and sensible advice.
Luqman's account begins with God urging him to be thankful to Him. Human beings tend not to appreciate the good things they receive and always crave for more. Many a person would accept what one does for them but turn away without even a word of thanks. They are just as ungrateful towards God Almighty, the origin of their existence and sustenance!
Luqman's advice to his son begins thus: "My son, serve no other deity besides GOD". This is followed by a bidding to be kind to one's parents who are, apart from God, immediately responsible for one's existence. It is interesting to note that modern society does not care very much for the welfare of parents. The majority of them in their old age find themselves leading lonely lives in old people's homes. But this is to be expected in a society which has all but forgotten God altogether.
The advice continues: "My son, observe the prayer, enjoin what is good and forbid what is evil. Endure with fortitude whatever befalls you. That is a duty incumbent on all. And turn not your cheek away from people in (false) pride, and walk not haughtily on earth: for, behold, God does not love anyone who, out of self-conceit, acts in a boastful manner."
It closes with the statement: "Be modest in your bearing and lower your voice: the harshest of voices is the braying of the ass."
The testament is a wonderful collection of profound wisdom and high religious and moral principles, which people of all generations ought to learn and observe.
The fact of the matter is that every man is a maker of his own destiny; if saved it will be because of his good deeds, or else his evil deeds will bring about his downfall.
We read elsewhere in the Qur'an that: "No soul shall bear another's burden. If a laden soul calls on another to share its burden, none would respond, not even the nearest of kin."
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