Religion is a serious matter and has to be treated with dignity and respect. It is difficult to see how anyone who does not show such respect can be treated as a friend or an ally.
Islam is a tolerate and accommodating religion, and when it comes to religious conviction and matters of belief it specifically forbids coercion and compulsion. Muslims are permitted to go into business and trade partnerships with non-Muslims on the basis of mutual honesty and trust. Muslim men are permitted to marry non-Muslim women and raise families built on mutual love and affection. Positive and constructive interreligious dealings and cooperation in all fields are to be encouraged to avoid intercommunal strife and promote tolerance, trust, and respect among all people. Islam has clearly defined the circumstances in which Muslims can shun followers of other religions or boycott them, because differences between various religions are inevitable. Nevertheless, Muslims are also taught to respect their religion and reflect that respect in dealing with others on an equal basis. That should not be very difficult, except for some, such as those fanatics who consider other people inferior to themselves, or bigoted agnostics and cynics who cannot tolerate people with convictions and strong beliefs different from their own.
Islam is a tolerate and accommodating religion, and when it comes to religious conviction and matters of belief it specifically forbids coercion and compulsion. Muslims are permitted to go into business and trade partnerships with non-Muslims on the basis of mutual honesty and trust. Muslim men are permitted to marry non-Muslim women and raise families built on mutual love and affection. Positive and constructive interreligious dealings and cooperation in all fields are to be encouraged to avoid intercommunal strife and promote tolerance, trust, and respect among all people. Islam has clearly defined the circumstances in which Muslims can shun followers of other religions or boycott them, because differences between various religions are inevitable. Nevertheless, Muslims are also taught to respect their religion and reflect that respect in dealing with others on an equal basis. That should not be very difficult, except for some, such as those fanatics who consider other people inferior to themselves, or bigoted agnostics and cynics who cannot tolerate people with convictions and strong beliefs different from their own.
One of the basic teachings of Islam is to love or hate for God's sake; love that is pure and unselfish and a rejection that is free of malice and injustice and bears no grudges towards those who are rejected. Islam also teaches forbearance and the need to overlook the minor mistakes of others and their shortcomings, while being firm and severe when the situation demands it.
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