Education is the apprenticeship of life - Willmott
Education is the apprenticeship of life - Willmott

The school should always have as its aim that the youn

My schoolgirl handwriting

Text from Romeo and Juliet

Manuscript handwriting - needed a steady hand with nib, holder dipped in Indian ink


What is this 'taugeh' handwriting (subtly), asked a cousin. (bluntly) What is this 'cacing' (wormy) handwriting.
Pitman Shorthand: Mastering Shorthand skill one needs to understand the theory. With a "photographic" memory helps a lot to a student.
Transcription: My family, my home
Handsome Daddy, beautiful Mommy, playful Janice naughty Dennis noisy baby Diana and me. I love my family. My family loves me. I like our home in Sembawang because every morning I can see the sun rise over the mountain.
Knowledge does not comprise all which is contained in the large term of education. The feelings are to be disciplined; the passions are to be restrained; true and worthy motives are to be inspired; a profound religious feeling is to be instilled, and pure morality inculcated under all circumstances. All this is comprised in education. - Daniel Webster
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