PRACTISE MAKES PERFECT - sandstitch on calico fabric
Those who meet hardship with a strong bearing and a patient countenance are in the minority. But we must consider this, though it may seem obvious: if you or I will not be patient, then what else is there for us to do? Do you have an alternative solution? Do you know of any provision that is better than patience?.
Those that achieve greatness have to surmount an ocean of difficulties and hardships before finally achieving success. Know that each time you escape a difficulty you will have to face another. Through this constant conflict, you must arm yourself with patience and a strong trust in ALLAH.
This is the way of the noble-minded: they face difficulties with firm resolution, and they wrestle hardship to the ground.
Therefore be patient and know that your patience is only through ALLAH. Have the patience of one who is confident of forthcoming ease, of one who knows that there will be a good ending, and of one who seek reward from his Lord, hoping, that by facing diffilcuties, he will find expiation for his sins. Have patience, no matter what the difficulty and no matter how dark the road ahead seems. For truly, with patience come victory, and with difficulty relief follows close behind.
After having read biographies of some successful people from the past, I became amazed at the amount of patience they displayed, in their ability to bear heavy burdens only to emerge as stronger human beings. Hardship fell upon their heads like a lashing of freezing rain and yet they were as firm as mountains. And then, after a short time had passed, they were rewarded for their patience with success..
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