Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatulallahi Wabarakatuh
Dearest All,
I take this opportunity posting below documents, I received from Ustaz Mohd Iskandar on behalf of the Mufti of the Kingdom of Cambodia. For the past four and half years I learned to read the Qur'an from Ustaz at Arriyaadh, Wisma Indah, Changi Road. If you wish to know more about Arriyaadh and its activities, please view at:
As my movements are uncertain, please liaise directly with Ustaz Mohd Iskandar at: 63447714, email: or at the address indicated.
Dearest All,
I take this opportunity posting below documents, I received from Ustaz Mohd Iskandar on behalf of the Mufti of the Kingdom of Cambodia. For the past four and half years I learned to read the Qur'an from Ustaz at Arriyaadh, Wisma Indah, Changi Road. If you wish to know more about Arriyaadh and its activities, please view at:
As my movements are uncertain, please liaise directly with Ustaz Mohd Iskandar at: 63447714, email: or at the address indicated.
Kerjasama Program Qurban Eidil Adha dan 'Aqiqah di Kemboja 1430H.
Letter from the Cambodian Muslim Development Foundation Organization authorising Ustaz and cooperation between themselves to perform the above. Application forms are obtainable at Ma'hadur Riyaadhil 'Alamiyyah Pte Ltd, 448 Changi Road, #01-07 Wisma Indah.

Surat Mewakil Mencari dan Mengumpul Dana untuk Da'wah Islam di Kemboja
Letter from the Mufti of the Kingdom of Cambodia assigning Al-Ustaz Md Iskandar to find and collect funds on their behalf. I would like to lay emphasis on the following paragraph:
"Saya menaruh harapan dan keyakinan besar supaya Tuan/Puan dapat bersama kami masyarakat Islam Kemboja menjayakan dan menyukung penuh usaha yang kami jalankan ini. Semoga Allah SWT menambah rezqi dan memberkati 'ibadah dan amal kita ini Insya Allah. Ameen".

Perkara: Dana Pembangunan Da'wah Islam Di Kemboja.
Letter from the Mufti of Cambodia appealing for Funds for the "500,000 Umat Islam Kemboja"

The allocation of funds: total USD 349,200
I would like to lay emphasis on the last 2 paragraphs:
"Maka umat Islam seluruh dunia perlu merebut peluang ini untuk membantu masyarakat Islam Kemboja dalam suasana aman dan bebas beragama di sini supaya mereka tidak terus terpinggir dan terbelakang daripada era pembanguan maklumat samaada fisikal, intelektual dan rohani.
Di atas segala sumbangan Tuan/Puan saya bagi pihak pejabat Mufti Kemboja merakamkan jutaan terima kasih. Semoga Allah SWT mencatat segala sumbangan Tuan/Puan dan menerimanya sebagai amal sholeh yang diberi ganjaran di akhirat nanti, Insya Allah Ameen".
If you wish to know more of "Sejarah Melayu Champa" please view at:
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