Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains understanding, for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold

Prioritising money over God is wrong. There is a greater purpose in our work beyond just making money, whether for ourselves or our corporations.
Those of us who are leaders of an organization should work to create a mission in which our organization's purpose is more than just making money. We can trust that serving a higher purpose will lead to a business success.
We can't minimise the struggle we may have in finding meaning and purpose in our work. Here are three suggestions to help us.
1. Find a home.
It's important to find the environment that unleashes your talent and recognise your contributions. The environment that is right for one person may not be right for another.
We are also being called to bloom - not only for our benefit, but for the benefit of others. This may mean leaving the safety of a present job and travelling into unchartered waters. It may mean staying where we are and blooming where we are already planted. Either way, it is important to connect with the environment that brings out the best in each of us.
2. Align work with passion.
Every job has its share of mundane tasks. Those tasks don't have to put out the flame that burns inside of us. It is our own responsibility to fan into flame the gift of God has placed inside us. We can't settle for the comfort zone and security of a job that we are not passionate about. We must take a leap of faith to pursue our passion.
3. Trust that God has called you to work for a purpose.
We all struggle to find the right balance between earning a living and serving a purpose. This tension is both normal and necessary because it helps shape our journey. However, don't let the obstacle stop your journey. When you find yourself caught between two masters, choose God because He wants you to succeed. "If God is for us, who can be against us?"
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