Potpourri by the deft hands of Rashidah, a close friend of sister-in-law Juariah. It still exudes a subtle fragrance of Oriental Perfume which the writer is trying to make out. This potpourri was handed out to the women guests after Nikah (solemnisation ceremony)

Backdrop - whole house curtains, ingeniously arranged by sister-in-law Juariah.
In front of the "sireh dara" is the cushion for the bridegroom to sit on during "nikah" solemnisation ceremony

Floral arrangement by Azmani, a relative and Rashidah. The arrangements sit on two stools covered with metres and metres of organza - Juariah's idea. The "sireh dara" by the deft hands of Azmani and Rashidah.

Food, glorious food at void deck

"Berkat" for guests

Towel in gold colour organdie pouch

Brother Shaharuddin taking snapshots....

of home-made almond coconut candies

Almond Coconut Candy is sister Aishah's contribution which she intends to cater for small functions

Standing: Nephew, Azman Baharuddin, photographer for the day


Table setting: Blueberry Cheese Cake and Mocca Cheese Cake baked by a niece Nur Ain Roslan (Nurhuda's daughter) I did not have the chance to taste it - busy
Backdrop: Fresh flowers

Yummy... yummy... I got love in my tummy.....

Nephews: Ridzuan Ismail, Azman Baharuddin, Nieces: Rufaidah (Sarah) Ismail, myself Aishah, Haswani Alwi, Hartini Alwi and Raihan Ismail

Kaya, Photographer for the day
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