Monday, March 2, 2009


Encik Mohamad Sarip Ismail, surviving adopted uncle by paternal grandparents Dato Hj Siraj and Nenek Sarpiah. Right: upper seat is Encik Sarip and lower seat is his cousin Encik Sanip. Encik Sanip and his family who is also a distant relative is very close to the writer.

Suwarni Mohamad Sarip - Model for Makeover 1994, effects on black and white photography

Zairani Mohamad Sarip, son Mohamad Faiz and wife Aminah Abdullah

Isnati Mohamad Sarip ad son Sulaiman Safiee

1 comment:

dzul said...

Salam manis untuk semua dari Hassan dan Julie yang jauh di-rantauan.