Wednesday, August 24, 2011






Do more than exist: live.

Do more than touch: feel.

Do more than look: observe.

Do more than read: absorb.

Do more than hear: listen.

Do more than listen: understand.

Do more than think: reflect.

Do more than just talk: say something.



Umat Islam diwajibkan melaksanakan ibadah puasa selama lebih kurang 12 jam setiap hari di bulan Ramadan, melainkan sebab-sebab yang diizinkan oleh Islam. Allah berkata dalam surah al-Baqarah ayat 183, "Wahai mereka yang beriman, diwajibkan ke atasmu berpuasa sebagaimana diwajibkan ke atas mereka yang sebelummu semoga kamu bertakwa."

Dr. Soliman dari University Hospital di Amman melakukan kajian ke atas 42 orang lelaki dan 26 wanita Islam yang berpuasa pada tahun 1984. Darah mereka diperiksa bagi mengenal pasti kadar cortisol, testosterone, sodium, potassium, urea, glucose, cholesterol dan asid lemak. Pada masa yang sama, berat badan mereka ditimbang pada awal dan akhir Ramadan. Di samping itu, Dr. F Azizi dan rakan-rakannya juga membuat kajian ke atas sembilan orang lelaki yang berpuasa Ramadan di University Sains Perubatan di Tehran. Pemeriksaan darah bagi mengukur kadar glucose, bilirubin, calcium, phosphorus, protein, albumin, follicle stimulating hormone, thyroid stimulating hormone, testosterone, prolactin, luteinising hormone, thyroxine-4 dan thyroxine-3 dilakukan sebelum, Ramadan, pada hari ke-10, hari ke-20 dan hari ke-29 Ramadan dan berat badan mereka juga ditimbang.

Kajian-kajian ini menunjukkan, puasa pada musim Ramadan tidak membahayakan kesihatan orang Islam secara amnya. Mala ia memberi kesan yang baik pada metabolisme lemak dan pengawalan berat badan seseorang. Puasa juga meredakan tekanan pada jiwa seseorang kerana, di samping tidak makan, minum dan bersetubuh di siang hari, orang Islam digalakkan membaca Quran, membanyakkan sembahyang menjaga lidah dan banyak bersedekah. Amalan-amalan ini menguatkan dan mendamaikan hati.


Ketika minum air, Rasulullah tidak menggalakan seseorang menghabiskan minumannya dengan satu teguk. Menurut Tarmizi, beliau berkata, "Janganlah kamu habiskan minuman dengan satu teguk seperti unta tetapi minum dengan dua ataupun tiga teguk. Sebut Bismillah apabila kamu hendak minum dan puji Allah apabila kamu selesai." Di dalam hadis yang lain, menurut Bukhari dan Muslim, Anas bin Malik melaporkan. "Rasulullah minum dengan tiga nafas." Imam Muslim melaporkan kata-kata tambahan dalam laporan beliau iaitu, "Cara minum yang seperti ini lebih menghilangkan dahaga, lebih menyihatkan dan lebih menghadamkan."

Monday, August 22, 2011



A contributed article

To get off to a good start every day, a husband should smile when he meets his wife and vice versa. This smile is an introductory announcement of agreement and compromise.

"A smile in your brother's face is charity"

And the Messenger of Allah (bpuh) always wore a smile on his face.

(Greet one another with a greeting from Allah (ie. say: As-Salamu 'Alaykum) blessed and good)
(Qur'an 24:61)

(When you are greeted with a greeting, greet in return with what is better than it, or (at least) return it equally.) (Qur'an 4:86)

Also, upon resuming one's domestic life, by which I mean, upon entering one's home, one should always make the prescribed supplication:

"O'Allah, I ask you for the best of entries and the best of exits. By Allah's name do we enter and by Allah's name do we exit. And upon Allah, our Lord, do we place our trust."

To speak in a friendly tone also breeds understanding in the home: (And say to My slaves (ie. the true believers of Islamic Monotheism) that they should (only) say those words that are the best) (Qur'an 17:53)

Would that both husband and wife remember the good points of the other, forgetting the negative ones. When a husband keeps the positive aspects of his wife in his mind while forgetting (or at least blocking out) her defects, he will find peace and happiness.

An Arab poet said:

"Who is the one who has never erred?
And who is the possessor of pure good?"

(And had it not been for the Grace of Allah and his Mercy on you, not one of you would ever have been pure from sins. But Allah purifies (guides to Islam) whom He wills, and Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower.) (Qur'an 24:21)

Minor and trifling matters are the causes of most domestic problems, and I myself have witnessed many marriages that ended in divorce, not because of irreconcilable differences, but because of something small and unimportant. One such domestic strife began because the house was not clean; another resulted because dinner was not cooked on time; the cause of yet another was the woman's objection to the inordinate number of guests coming to see her husband. A list of these and other problems can end up tearing a family apart, leaving children without a father or a mother.

It is incumbent upon us to live in a world of reality (especially as regards to our spouses) and not to dream up a utopia, one that has to be realised in the home. We as humans can become angry and irritable, weak and erring. Therefore, when we speak about or search for domestic bliss, we should keep the concept of relative happiness in mind, and not total happiness.

The agreeable nature and good companionship of Iman Ahmad ibn Hanbal deserves mention here. He said after the death of his wife, "She has been my companion for forty years, and in that span of time, I never had a disagreement with her."

The husband must remain quiet when his wife becomes angry and vice versa, at least until the anger subsides and the storm abates. Ibn al-Jawzi said in Sayd al-Khaatir:

"When your companion becomes angry and says something that is unwarranted, you should not take it too hard. His situation is that of a drunken person who is not aware of what is taking place. Instead, be patient, even if it means only for a little while. If you reciprocate his words with harsh words of your own, you become like the sane person who seeks revenge on a madman, or the conscious person who seeks retribution from an unconscious one. Look at him with a merciful eye and pity him for his actions."

Know that as soon as he awakes from this state, he will feel regretful for what happened, and he will come to recognise your value because of your patience. You should especially be patient if the angry person is either a spouse or a parent. Let them say whatever they want until they calm down and do not hold them accountable for their words. Whenever the angry person is met with anger, his anger will fail to subside, even after he has revived from his state of drunkeness.